SFB1491 - CIM

Cosmic Interacting Matters - From Source to Signal

SFB1491 leaves X


Due to the recent changes in X’s structure and function as well as its method of communication, SFB1491 no longer perceives X as a suitable platform to convey our information appropriately.

We are therefore following the example of Ruhr University Bochum, terminating our communication over X for the time being.

You will find all the latest news and insights of SFB1491 on our Instagram and LinkedIn channels.

For a detailed report, please find the RUB’s statement here.

IdeenExpo 2024


In June 2024, we had the great opportunity to be part of the IdeenExpo in Hanover. The IdeenExpo is Europe‘s largest youth event for technology and natural sciences!

IdeenExpo aims to inspire young minds in the STEM fields and foster future experts. 
We had the chance to support the ESERO (European Space Education Office) exhibition stand, thanks to our PIs Susanne Hüttemeister, Ralf-Jürgen Dettmar and Dominik Bomans, who are also ESERO partners.

In collaboration with ESERO, a lot of activities for school kids took place, like workshops, experiments, e.g. with our Kelvin-Helmholtz tube, chats and discussions.
With all that, we had the chance to reach out to thousands of kids - aiming to spark curiosity and love for science.

The IdeenExpo will take place again in 2026 and we are already looking forward to that!

More on the IdeenExpo can be found here

Universe on Tour


We are involved in the roadshow Universe on Tour – a planetarium touring through Germany. Visit us in Dortmund from 16.-20.8.23 to see the show and explore the exhibition!

Come with us on board of the MS Wissenschaft


The floating Science Center MS Wissenschaft is touring through Germany over summer 2023. We have a hands-on experiment on board. Come and visit us there!

Meet our scientists on board:
Dortmund: 18.7.23 14-16 h
Oberhausen: 21.7. von 14-16 Uhr
Oberhausen: 24.7.23 16-18 h

Mars findet Stadt - Bochum


Within the framework of the Science Year, a lot of science-related activities are happening in Bochum from 27.6.23 to 13.7.23. We will be present on the Markt des Universums on 1.7.23 at Christuskirche Bochum and you are welcome to the public talks by our SFB researchers!