SFB1491 - CIM

Cosmic Interacting Matters - From Source to Signal


The CIM-Fellows Programme

An integral and important part of our SFB is the active exchange with our international partners. For scientists who want to visit us for several months, we have therefore established the CIM Fellowship Program to support them financially. Our CIM Fellows not only enrich us with their professional expertise, but also offer in particular our young scientists an excellent opportunity to expand their network. Here, we introduce our CIM Fellows who visited us so far!

Samata Das

Please introduce yourself briefly. I completed my education until my Master's in India and moved to Germany. I finished my PhD in October 2023 from the University of Potsdam. I start as a CIM fellow for 6 months at Ruhr University Bochum in April 2024 within the Collaborative Research Center "Cosmic Interacting Matters - from Source to Signal" under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Julia Tjus.

What are your main research questions? During my PhD, the research focuses on supernova remnants, their (magneto)hydrodynamical evolution, and the particle acceleration in the shocks of remnants mainly for core-collapse scenarios. During this fellowship, I start to use the cosmic-ray propagation framework CR-Propa and apply it to cosmic-ray propagation in the Galactic Disc.

What motivates you to join our SFB as a CIM fellow? My PhD research work fascinated me to study the area of cosmic ray propagation and the working group of Prof. Julia Tjus, named Plasma Astroparticle Physics, at Ruhr University Bochum is largely involved in this research area. Also, the Collaborative Research Center SFB1491 in Ruhr University Bochum offers an opportunity to expand my knowledge of both state-of-the-art theoretical research and couple this with observations in Astroparticle physics.

Fulvia Pucci

Fulvia Pucci is a CIM Fellow at the Collaborative Research Center. The CIM Fellowship is a measure provided in the CRC context that fosters scientific exchange and collaboration, and in this case with project F2, “Particle Acceleration via Magnetic Reconnection in Different Regimes,” led by Profs. Innocenti and Grauer. F2 benefits greatly from her expertise, and we value her active input. Her visits to RUB have further strengthened our partnership.

Former CIM-Fellows


Duration of Fellowship




Aushev, Volodymyr

2022-10 - 2023-04

Albrecht group, TUDO


Elshamy, Waleed

2022-10 - 2022-10





Kun, Emma

2021-01 - 2022-10


